TN Visa Services

Embarking on a professional endeavor in the United States under the TN Visa status opens a realm of opportunities for Canadian and Mexican citizens as part of the NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) provisions. Our TN Visa Services are designed to provide a streamlined, professional, and reliable pathway for obtaining or renewing your TN Visa.

We offer expert legal assistance to ensure that your petition is prepared and filed accurately, adhering to the nuanced requirements set forth by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and other relevant authorities.

Attorney Fee:

Our legal experts are here to assist you with either Border petitions or USCIS I-129 filing petitions. With a one-time fee of $1,995, you receive professional guidance and representation, ensuring that your petition is well-prepared, thoroughly reviewed, and filed in compliance with all legal requirements.


The associated USCIS fees vary depending on the method and location of filing:

  • TN Obtained at Canadian Border: There is no USCIS fee for a TN Visa obtained at the Canadian border, though a payment is to be made to the Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

  • TN Renewal with USCIS: A fee is applicable for the USCIS I-129 Petition for TN Visa renewals filed with USCIS.

  • TD Renewal with USCIS: For TD Visa renewals, a fee is applicable for the USCIS I-539 Petition.

Our TN Visa Services aim to alleviate the complexities involved in the TN Visa process, providing you with the necessary legal assistance and guidance for a smooth transition into your professional journey in the U.S. Explore our services and take a decisive step towards achieving your professional goals in the vibrant and competitive U.S. job market.